The Solution

One cannot address the many issues that come in tandem with population individually. It is unreasonable to try and manage actual population trends and issues. So, instead of trying to deal with the "population" issue itself, we find it more practical to understand the issues that stem from either overpopulation or population decline. Once individuals understand, their support can go through organizations who help to solve issues such as education, poverty and health care or their governments. Being citizens gives you a voice in your government who have the most power to make a difference.  Governments around the world are seeking individualized solutions to their population issues.          

Government Policies

Population Decline

In contrast to Indonesia, the Japanese population is declining in growth annually. This phenomena presents entirely different obstacles to a country than those that come with over population.  Japan, who is the tenth most populous country in the world, has advanced infrastructure and a well established "system" to deal with their large population. A combination of social trends and the fact that Japan has almost zero immigrants has led to a declining population. The main issue that faces the Japanese government is how to deal with social security in a society that is "graying". With an increased number of old people, and a declining number of younger people, the old people depend on social security to take care of them. And with less young people to feed money into the social security system, there is an imbalance between usurpers and providers. Along with the social security problems comes the fact that with less young, working people there is not a large labor force, which cycles into the whole problem with social security. 
    To deal with these issues, the government has proposed various things to ameliorate the problems. For one, the Japanese government provides incentives for having children. For each child born into a family, the government gives the family a set amount of money.  Also, to provide more income for the social security program, they have raised income tax and sales tax. Currently, they are taking the middle ground between an "American taxing system" and a "European taxing system". They do not have extremely high taxes like Norway, but also not as low as American taxes. According to the First Secretary of the Embassy of Japan, the Japanese government plans of continuing down this middle path.


Population Control

    The country of Indonesia currently holds a population of around 237 million people, with the majority of the citizen located on the one island of Java.  This overcrowding in one area is permitting health issues, poor infrastructure, and poverty. Their Government has been trying to fix the link of poverty and its population.  Their solutions can be a model for the rest of the world.
    With a growing population there is a growing need for jobs. The government of Indonesia has been promoting businesses from around the world to supply cheap labor for its citizens. This allows the job market to increase with the population.
    One of Indonesia's main concerns is the high population density concentrated in the one island of Java. With this in mind their government has been trying redistribute its citizens around the entire country. Their government plans to do this through the improvement of infrastructure and transportation. Transportation allows easier access and movement through the islands and cities, which can help increase the population in the surrounding areas. Infrastructure improvements in other cities of Indonesia creates more attractive new environments for its citizens.
    The most important move Indonesia has made to control its population is promoting the use of birth control. A combination of government investment and help from outside organizations, Indonesia has been able to educate its citizens on the importance of birth control and promote the idea of having only 2 children per family.  


Outside Organizations and How You Can Help

Population Connection

As mentioned before, the individual cannot solve the population issue by his or her own decisions, but the individual can support organizations that fight the problems surrounding population. Population Connection is an organization that deals with the root of the population issue around the world. Its goal is to stabilize the world's population, and its main strategy is to educate. Population Connection works to teach young people around the world about unsustainable population growth  to 3 million students a year. They also work to give women access to health services and contraceptive supplies if they want to limit their childbearing. As an individual there are many things one can do with this organization. Financially, one can become a member and donate to the organization or help raise money. A more personalized way to support Population Connection is by working for them as an educator, but the most important thing population connection does is advocate through the government. They work with individuals to reach their representatives and congress men to pass laws on population control.

World Wildlife Program

    The World Wildlife Fund is an organization determined to conserve our world's natural environment. It works to create a balance between the needs of the world and the needs of wildlife. The promote projects like conservation of wild habitat and the more efficient use of natural resources.  Workers for World Wildlife Fund range from initiating local projects to proposing governmental bills all to create a harmonious relationship between the population of the world and the world that it inhabits. The World Wildlife Funds offers countless opportunities for you to get involved and help protect the environment. There are tips on how to live more sustainably and help with many other things. They have numerous petitions to sign and outreach programs to reach their goal.

United Nations World Food Program

    The United Nations World Food Program focuses on providing underdeveloped nations and impoverished people with the supplies they need to survive. The program lists in main goals as being able to save and protect lives in emergencies, reduce chronic hunger, and help countries provide for themselves. With increasing population there is a growing demand and necessity for more food. It is debatable as to whether or not there are enough resources on our earth to provide for everyone, but it is undeniable that there are areas that do not receive enough food to support their populations. The WFP tries to help these countries build up their farms and farming methods to help ween away from reliance on other countries or organizations. The WFP offers various ways to help them provide for those in need. Donating money, spreading the word about world hunger, and starting fundraisers are among the many suggestions.

The Red Cross

    Probably the most well known disaster relief organization is the American Red Cross.  They respond to disasters from small scale situations like home fires to tsunamis that disrupt entire countries. They provide everything from food to medicine to shelter for displaced people in need. The main way to help the Red Cross is to volunteer with them. They offer countless types of jobs from food distribution to providing medical treatment. They also conduct blood drives where healthy people can donate blood and also take donations.